When a Development Application (DA) is lodged with the Central Coast Council (CCC) and you believe you will be affected you can undertake the following.

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STEP 1 - Look up the Central Coast Council’s website

The CCC website can be accessed via https://www.centralcoast.nsw.gov.au

1 a

The front page of the web site should appear like the above screen shot

STEP 2 - Go to the Plan and Build heading

Move your computer interface or cursor over the heading PLAN AND BUILD which will open a drop-down menu

When you have opened the drop-down menu move your computer interface or cursor over the heading ‘Track a development application’ which is outlined in red.

STEP 3 - Open the Track a Development Application

Clicking on the ‘Track a Development Application’ will open the following

track development application

On this page you will observe that you can access a DA three (3) ways using either the

  • eplanning portal;
  • mobile DA tracking portal; or
  • NSW Planning Portal

If you choose to use the eplanning portal or mobile DA tracking portal it is essential to set your property location via the post code. This is because the data base of the CCC, is split into the former Gosford and Wyong local government areas.

STEP 4 - Using the eplanning portal

This page has been automatically set to search the data base via a DA number. If you know the DA number – enter the application number in the search box.

eplanning portal

Alternatively, if you do not know the application number you will observe on the left-hand side there are a multiple option on how to access information. By clicking onto any one of the options will open a unique screen.

Once you open the unique screen just following the instructions such as entering the street address or if you open the map option clicking onto a locality.

STEP 5 - Accessing information linked to specific DAs

In the following example the Applications on Exhibition option has been clicked to locate the DAs that are currently on exhibition.


As you can see on the 14 July 2020 there were 64 DAs on exhibition in the former Gosford Local Government Area.

By clicking onto the blue text will open a link to the information held by Council.

STEP 6 - Information available

Clicking onto the blue text for DA 54230/2018.2 in the previous screen opens the specific information retained by Council for this DA.

DA details

By clicking onto any of the blue texts will open the documents that Council retains relating to the DA.

One of the most informative documents relating to any DA is either the Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).  An EIS is lodged only if the application is classified as ‘designated development’ at all other times the informative document will be a SEE.

STEP 7 - What information is within the SEE or EIS

The SEE or EIS will provide an explanation of the proposal and provide a set of plans or drawings of what is being proposed.  The SEE or EIS is legally required to tell you how the development may potential impact upon the social and natural environmental along with setting out all how it addresses any State Environmental Planning Policies, Local Environmental Plans or Development Control Plans.

Reading the SEE or EIS can be confusing as they are complex documents containing many drawings, plans and may refer to specialist consultant reports.

After you have reviewed the SEE or EIS if you wish to express an opinion you can lodge a submission.

STEP 8 - Making a submission

Return to Step 2 and place your computer interface or cursor over the heading PLAN AND BUILD


This time on the drop-down menu go to ‘Make a submission’

Didn’t forget you must set a property location by entering the postcode. This enables you to link making a submission in the former Gosford and Wyong local government areas.

Although the two former Councils were amalgamated in 2016, as at August 2020 there remains two different procedures in lodging a submission depending upon whether the DA is in the former Gosford or Wyong area.

Step 9 & Step 10 - Sets out the procedure for lodging a submission in the former Gosford

Step 11 & Step 12 - Sets out the procedure for lodging a submission in the former Wyong

STEP 9 - Lodging a submission in the former Gosford area

Once you have opened making a submission the following page will open.   This page sets out and provides a Guide to help you prepare your submission. The easiest way to lodge a submission is via the online submission form.


STEP 10 - Online submission form in the former Gosford area

If you follow the online submission procedure it will automatically insert DA number, Applicant and description of proposal plus a space to insert comments or add a separate written file. If you choose to attach a written file or photos the written file and photos must be submitted in either a JPG or PDF. No other software format is accepted via the Online form.

If your written document or photos cannot be submitted in either a JPG or PDF you can submit your submission via an email using the email address of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include the DA number in the subject heading.

southsubmission form

STEP 11 - Lodging a submission in the former Wyong area

Once you have opened making a submission the following page will open.   This page sets out and provides a Guide to help you prepare your submission. The only way to lodge a submission is to complete a form and submit the form via an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Place your computer interface or cursor over the underlined word form

southsubmission links

STEP 12 - Submission form for the former Wyong area

Complete the submission form and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. include the DA number in the subject heading.

wyong submission form